Thursday, September 27, 2012

Tree # 165–171

Guess I was feeling a bit lazy. 9-14-12

Finally got to take myself another walk to Lakeside Park
 and sketched a one-sided tree I hadn't really looked at since
last winter. Looks very different since then. 9-18-12

I am waiting too late in the evening to sketch, and by then it's already dark.
It is not very satisfying to sketch things I've made up.
Does that mean I'm a plein aire sketcher at heart? 9-22-12

Just a tree. 9-23-12 
Still experimenting with a 4B woodless pencil loaned
to me by a friend. 9-24-12

Still experimenting with that 4B woodless pencil loaned
to me by a friend. 9-25-12

Every day, I drive down a street and try to remember
how the trees form a canopy over the street. Of course
I don't stop to take a photo because I need to get to work,
or I'm eager to get home, or I don't have a camera,
or, or, or.... This is the best I can remember,
but of course, it isn't right. Tomorrow, I must stop. 9-26-12

Friday, September 14, 2012

Trees #158–164

 Playing around with watercolor and colored pencil. 9-1-12

 More playing around with pen and ink and watercolor wash. 9-4-12

Pen & ink. I shouldn't wait so long to write down the
particulars. It's been a hectic and wild two weeks...9-6-12

Colored pencils... the branches outside of
my upstairs windows again. 9-7-12

Just a simple pencil. 9-10-12

Ink brush-type pen. 9-12-12

The view from my upstairs window after removing, last weekend,
a stand that has been blocking part of the view for a few years. 9-13-12

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Tree 154–157

 The Holly Trees beyond our patio
fireplace. 8-26-12

 Walked at dusk and noticed the tree tops against the sky.
So did this by memory when I got home. 8-27-12

Those trailing out-of-control ivy winding
along the trunks of our huge Silver Maples. 8-28-12

Took a long walk around the lake in Lakeside Park last night,
and using one of the reference photos I took, this is a group of
trees there. The leaves are beginning to dry and
turn colors a slight bit. 8-31-12