Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tree 181–183

 Sitting on our patio and looking up at the
branches of one of our Silver Maples. 10-8-12
(By the way, I don't know at all if my numbering
system is accurate. Who knows if this is really Tree #181.)

 The dense foliage of branches of one of our
Silver Maples from the vantage point of my upstairs window. 10-9-12

Pure fantasy again. 10-16-12

Tree #178–180

Fantasy only because I get started after dark. 10-5-12

 View in the evening of the trees outside my upstairs widow.
I never seem to get started with my sketch in daylight these days. 10-2-12

Yet another fantasy. 10-6-12

Trees #175–177


 Our backyard again, small tree-like bushes
at the base of our Silver Maples. 10-2-12


Tree # 172–174

One of the Silver Maples in our backyard
with the limbs growning out of the sides of the trees.
We let them grow as they hide the harsh back fence. 9-28-12